Glorify With One Accord and One Voice

From today’s reading…

May the God of endurance and encouragement

grant you to think in harmony with one another,

in keeping with Christ Jesus,

that with one accord you may with one voice

glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It took hundreds of years for Isaiah’s prophesy to come true regarding the sprout from the stump of Jesse to blossom.

Within maybe two decades of the life, death, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans that if we are to live as the Father lives, we are to endure and encourage one another.

He reminds us that it’s much easier to encourage one another when we act, live, and pray “with one accord…with one voice.”

But Matthew reminds us that a “brood of vipers” live and even worship among us. We’ll recognize them by the fruit they produce.

So let me ask you something.

On whose authority does your preacher-pastor-priest-bishop-elder-prophet-choir director-youth minister lead your flock? Do they minister and lead with the goal of creating harmony amongst all, or golden halls, and buildings that are tall with their names and faces enshrined upon the walls? 

You know that plastic surgery, crash diets, and pills only provide short-term outward health improvements, often at great expense, pain, and even risk to your life.

How much riskier is following a preacher who is just following a fad of soothing preaching, mood lighting, and foot-tapping music and entertainment literally sold to you as a path to salvation? (Those jets, Italian suits, and arenas come out of your donations.)

You were made in the image and likeness of God, the Creator of the universe.

You’ve been called to walk in His footsteps, which were dusty, dirty, and painful.

You’ve been called to think, to discern, to read, to learn, to love, and to know the Scriptures, to discuss them with like-minded followers, to explain them to the young, the ignorant, and the searching.

You’ve been called not to go along to get along, but to disrupt—because, unfortunately, the truth is disruptive—to call a spade a spade, to call a viper a viper, and in so doing, create that one accord by lighting a fire in your fellow believers because the lukewarm will be spit out.

If you follow the star created by the Creator of stars, it will be easier to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.