
From today’s reading…

He stayed some days with the disciples in Damascus,

and he began at once to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues,

that he is the Son of God.” Acts 9:20

Saul (Paul) got busy doing what he was called to do, and so should you.

“But Wes, Jesus spoke directly to him. He saw a bright light. He was knocked to the ground. He was blinded for three days. He was healed by a holy man. No wonder he got busy. It was clear what he was called to do.”

Well-played. You get an “A” for excuse-making and blame-sharing.

The story of Saul’s conversion is a great example of the concept that you can’t steer a parked car.

Yes, Saul was going down the wrong path, but at least he wasn’t sitting on his butt earning Facebook Keyboard Warrior medals.

“Great, Wes. So you’re saying it’s better to be a murderous oppressor than a do-nothing observer because at least the murderer is ‘doing something.'”

Well-played, yet again.

I have two points for your feckless argument.

  1. What Saul/Paul was doing was actually legal according to both his religion and the government at the time.

  2. The lukewarm are spit out. (Rev 3:16

You have to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.

And you don’t have to get ready to get ready.

You need to stop majoring in the minors and get after it.

No need to warm up or check your calendar or meditate or create another vision board or manifest or align your chakra or do a cleanse or learn to breathe through your eyelids or take a feng shui class or walk on fire with Tony Robbins or make a new Instagram filter to announce to the world what you’re going to do.

Just do it. Whatever it is.

Join a gym. Go for a run. Eat better. Stop drinking. Cut out porn or social media or TV or Netflix. Go back to school. Apply yourself at work. Volunteer at church. Read to your kids. Bring your wife some flowers. Bring coffee to your husband in bed.

The signs are everywhere but you’re too out of shape, too hungover, too angry at a troll on Twitter, too distracted by Instagram attention-seekers with fewer morals than clothes, too worked up by clickbait articles, too focused on your Fantasy Football team to notice.

You don’t need brainstorming, you need brain-stilling.

That’s why God knocked Saul/Paul to the ground and blinded him. To get his attention.

So get off your high horse. Close your eyes. Allow yourself to listen to God and His messengers the way Saul listened to Ananias.

Once you really hear your calling you’ll find it much easier to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.