Go Around, Not Through

From today’s reading…

When you sin in this way against your brothers and wound their consciences, weak as they are, you are sinning against Christ.”

I know a lot of alcoholics. I have several in my family, my extended family, and friends.

When they are around we keep the alcohol away.

In the Lord’s Prayer we’re not instructed to “go to bars and strip clubs but don’t look, touch, or partake.” 

We ask to be saved from “the evil one” and “Lead us not into temptation.”

In the Act of Contrition, we pray for the strength to “avoid the near occasion of sin.”

Like in my sales training, true strength and wisdom are not found in overcoming objections (sins).

The secret the pros (and saints) apply is in anticipating where and when they might arise and addressing / neutralizing them before they grow into an insurmountable obstacle. 

Note: that’s how my 165 pound Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor can beat me so easily despite being five inches shorter and 60 pounds lighter. He knows my moves and he knows how to position himself to negate my moves. It’s leverage, thus the saying “small hinges swing big doors…and big bodies in martial arts!”

When it comes to our souls—and the souls of your brothers and sisters—recognize where you and they are weak, and do not go there so you can…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.