Go Back For Seconds Like Paul

From today’s reading…

“They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city,

supposing that he was dead.

But when the disciples gathered around him,

he got up and entered the city.”

Just two days ago we read from Acts 14, but today we start two verses early and learn about Paul being stoned (almost) stoned to death.

After such an attack on his life what did he do? He got up, dusted himself off, and went right back in and said, 


Okay. Maybe he didn’t say exactly that, but I know I would’ve!

But imagine the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that created in the “Jews from Antioch and Iconium” who “won over the crowds” to have them attack Paul.

We don’t have to imagine how inspiring it was to the followers of the Way, because we read that he and Barnabas…

made a considerable number of disciples” and “They strengthened the spirits of the disciples” after “they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch.”

We’re taught in the military to attack an ambush. It’s not what your enemy expects and it gives you confidence because you are taking decisive action.

Be like Paul and Barnabas. Walk into the den of the Devil and let your attackers know that regardless of what they do, you will always…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.