Go Make Some Enemies

From today’s reading…

Woe to you when all speak well of you,

for their ancestors treated the false

prophets in this way.” Luke 6:26

Golf is a game of opposites, as is the pathway to salvation.

In golf, you step towards your trouble, i.e. if you’re slicing to the right, tee your ball on the right side of the tee box and take your front foot to slide it forward towards the slice. This opens up your shot angle and keeps you from opening up and falling back at impact, which helps you hit the ball to the left…or at least not so far into the woods on the right!

Likewise, the actions you must take to spend eternity with God are usually contradictory to the actions you would take to achieve earthly comforts and material success.

Now that’s not to say all worldly-successful people are doomed to hell, but we see quite often how miserable celebrities, athletes, and corporate executives are, with more than you’d expect turning to drugs, alcohol, and/or risky behavior to fill the void they created in their lives by spending all of their time, energy, and focus on chasing earthly vs. holy success.

But notice how Jesus says “when all speak well of you.” To curry the favor of everyone, you’ve probably had to sell your soul.

So welcome the reproach and disdain of a few because as they say, one’s greatness can be judged by the quality of their enemies….

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.