Go Out and Proclaim The Gospel

From today’s reading…

And he said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15

I love these people who say “My faith is a private matter. I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I’m spiritual, not religious. I don’t believe in organized religion.”

It would be cute, even comical if it wasn’t so dang wrong and even harmful to you, your family, your community, even the world.

You’re not smarter, wiser, more insightful, or more with it than 2,000 years of Biblical scholars and faithful followers of Jesus.

You’re just arrogant, lazy, and not only paving the road to hell but enabling hell to live and thrive here on earth in the here and now.

“But Wes…how…how can you say that? I’m a GOOD PERSON! I mean well. There are so many manipulative, sinful people in the Church. The Holy Spirit has spoken to me. I can go straight to God. It’s what feels right.”

If you have a good idea, a unique insight, a positive message or outlook or mode of thinking, living, worshipping, praying, prospering, and alleviating suffering in the world YOU MUST GO OUT INTO THE WORLD AND SHARE IT, which means opening yourself up to attack and ridicule and debate.

This will force you to refine your thinking and your message. This is how you become the best version of yourself and in return, help others become the best versions of themselves.

You cannot have a private relationship with God and call yourself a Christian any more than I can sit at home watching YouTube videos of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and call myself a BJJ practitioner.

Iron sharpens iron. Get out in the world and mix it up, because it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.