God > Chuck Norris

From today’s reading…

Who disputes my right?

Let him confront me.

See, the Lord GOD is my help;

who will prove me wrong?”

When you’re walking down the street with Chuck Norris at your side you can have hundred dollar bills hanging out of your pants and not have a care in the world because you know Chuck—who was in the Air Force, by the way—can round-house kick anyone who messes with you into yesterday.

(Yes, his leg speed breaks the space-time continuum.) 

But you have the Creator of Chuck Norris always at your side.

He also has your back and He is always leading the way.

(He invented light, therefore He owns time and space and the space-time continuum.)

So hold your head high.

Face your accusers.

Call a spade a spade.

Live your life as one who is on God’s good side, because it’s the only way to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.