God Is With You On Every Step of Your Journey

From today’s reading…

For Yahweh’s cloud stayed over the Dwelling during the daytime and there was fire inside the cloud at night, for the whole House of Israel to see, at every stage of their journey.” Exodus 40:38

When you’re in the middle of chaos and anxiety, burdened by excessive worry and fear, tunnel vision can take hold and eventually overcome you, causing you to either freeze in place or panic and act in ways that can be harmful and even deadly.

This can happen when you’re lost in the woods, adrift in the ocean, or wandering in a desert, both literally and figuratively. God knows this about you and me, which is why He guides us on every step.

That is if we allow Him.

“But Wes, the Israelites saw His power in the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea and the manna and quail and now He appears as a cloud and as lightning and as fire. I’m not seeing anything like that in my life so how do I know God even knows I exist?”

You want a sign? Look at a flower up close. Watch a sunset or a hummingbird. Listen to an opera. Hold a napping baby. Make love to your spouse.

God is everywhere and in everything, but you have taken Him for granted, set Him aside, allowed your life to become cluttered and your mind distracted.

You don’t need another brainstorming session.

You need more brain-stilling sessions.

Go to Mass.

Spend time with Jesus in Adoration.

Get your issues off your chest in Reconciliation.

That’s how God removes the scales from our eyes today, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.