God Rescues The Upright

From today’s reading…

Though hardships without number beset the upright, Yahweh brings rescue from them all.” Psalm 34:19

People ask and ponder all the time, “Why does God allow suffering?”.

For our salvation, that’s why. It’s literally for our own good.

We saw what happened to Cain when he did not provide an adequate sacrifice: he lost favor with God, who was trying to teach him the importance of sacrificing today in order to provide for a better tomorrow. Rather than take the lesson to heart and mend his ways, he lashed out against what was good and killed Abel.

So Jesus had to come and show us how to willingly take on the burdens and challenges of the day in order to bring about a better tomorrow.

We see it in the stories of the knight leaving the secure, walled city to venture into the darkness—the unknown—to face his greatest fear, the mighty fire-breathing dragon, whose defeat will bring the knight great power and glory.

We know this because the dragon protects a cave full of gold, which is not the only thing that becomes the brave knight’s if he kills the dragon.

You see, since the knight takes on this challenge willingly, he is rewarded with eternal life in the form of proving himself worthy of marrying the virgin princess who will give him offspring to carry on his lineage forever.

So be a brave knight. Be like Jesus. Take on the hardships of life willingly knowing that God rescues all who…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.