God’s Is The Highest Mountain

From today’s reading…

In days to come,

the mountain of the LORD’s house

shall be established as the highest mountain

and raised above the hills.”

Since cavemen looked to the skies in awe and terror, we have known as a species that greatness comes from above.

It’s why we wish upon a star, pick your chin up, and the military teaches new recruits to stand at attention with their shoulders back and down, eyes straight ahead.

In battle, you seek the high ground from which to attack your opponents.

Also in battle, you seek to establish air superiority before deploying your troops or they will be at great risk.

Isaiah reminds us today that God occupies the highest position of all, so it is apropos to look only to Him, to seek His guidance, and His protection to help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.