God’s Saving Justice Is For…Who?

From today’s reading…

God’s saving justice was witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, but now it has been revealed altogether apart from law: God’s saving justice given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” Romans 3:21:22

There’s a lot of confusion in the areas of faith and salvation among “Bible-believing” Christians.

Most have a shallow understanding of the Bible due to the relatively recent formation of their flavor of Christianity and its origin being rooted in protest versus love.

One of the things these well-meaning but misguided brothers and sisters in Christ get wrong is the concept of “faith alone,” i.e., Sola Fide is all that’s needed for salvation.

These wonderful, passionate Christians will yell at Catholics saying, “You think you can work your way into heaven! Haven’t you read Romans 3:22 and Ephesians 2:8-9? Get with the program, Man! Your church doesn’t even have Bibles in it!”

When I confirm that I have read those verses (and ignore the ignorant Bible statement), I ask them what James 2:17-26 means.

This is followed by silence, then a pursing of the lips, furrowing of the brow, clearing of the throat, an utterance of some combination of, “Well…ahh…ummm,” followed by a quick flip to some other passage, then either a changing of the subject, an angry diatribe, and/or a storming off, hanging up, or blocking on social media.

The Jews at the time of Jesus had 613 commandments (mitzvot in Hebrew) based on the Old Testament.

These ritualistic practices are the “laws” to which James refers today, and he’s right.

Mindlessly following rituals such as washing your hands before eating and slaughtering animals for your entire life is not enough to gain you salvation.

James opens today by saying that “God’s saving justice…has been revealed altogether apart from law” (v21). It’s given “to all who believe” (v22). So enough with the “boasts…There is no room for them” (v27).

God’s grace is freely given, but you must take that grace and…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.