Great Grumblers Are Grating

From today’s reading…

…on the fifteenth day of the second month

after their departure from the land of Egypt.

Here in the desert the whole assembly of the children of Israel

grumbled against Moses and Aaron.”

Back on March 24th we read from Exodus 17 where the Israelites “grumbled” for water. 

Today we read in Exodus 16 that they grumbled as well. (What a bunch of grumblers!)

Freed after 430 years of captivity, in just 45 days they are longing for their chains because at least they had their “fill of bread.”

What is your “fill of bread” today that is keeping you enslaved?

  • Pornography?

  • Social media/politics/FOMO/”acceptance” and shallow praise from strangers?

  • Drugs/Alcohol/Food?

  • Work/the quest for money?

  • Exercise/body building/marathon training?

  • Movies/TV/gaming?

You and I have the same number of hours per day as Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Sara Blakely.

Setting goals, being disciplined, and knowing what task is the priority at this very moment is what will separate you from the pack and enable you to reach and surpass your goals.

God knew what the Israelites needed.

The same night the Israelites grumbled they had quail to eat and in the morning they had bread.

God knows what you and I need.

God knows when we need it.

All we need to do to receive it in abundance is… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.