GreenRope vs Infusionsoft Update 1

 GreenRope vs Infusionsoft Update 1

On October 29th, 2013, I began my GreenRope vs Infusionsoft comparison where I highlighted their 57% inaccurate facts on their own website.

The CEO and founder of GreenRope, Lars Helgeson, sent me an email asking me if I had the “courage” to post his reply, which I did. In his reply, Lars Helgeson indicated if there were any inaccuracies in their comparison he would correct them.

It’s not December 5th, 2013 and here are the mistakes still showing on the GreenRope vs Infusionsoft page on their own website:

GreenRope vs Infusionsoft Inaccurate Comparison 12/5/13

GreenRope says Infusionsoft does not have “social media integration.” WRONG

GreenRope says Infusionsoft does not have “event management.” WRONG

GreenRope says Infusionsoft does not have the ability to “create/send coupons w/QR codes.” WRONG

GreenRope says Infusionsoft only gives you “2 Users.” WRONG

GreenRope says Infusionsoft’s monthly cost for 2 Users is $299. WRONG

In today’s day and age, when it’s so easy to lookup and verify information, why would a company have so many blatantly incorrect points nearly six weeks after being taken to task for it?

Things that make you go hmmm.

If you’d like to read my entire GreenRope vs Infusionsoft comparison and the response from Lars Helgeson, the CEO and Founder of GreenRope, make sure you have more than a few minutes to spare.

If you’d like to discuss Infusionsoft and get the straight scoop, please contact me here.

Good Selling,