Grow Your Influence With Character: Adam Smith Shows How

I met Adam on Twitter when he followed me and I noticed he had over 271,000 Twitter followers.

From Alabama then lived in Georgia and now lives in Northern Colorado.

Has a team of writers that write on leadership. Working on his first book on leadership. His friend, Drew Dudley, and he believe that leadership and servant leadership is for everyone, not just the top 1%.

He has been on Twitter a long time, since almost the beginning. That has been a big source of his traffic and followers.

Adam’s involvement in the church has formed who he is and he does a lot in the Christian space.

Monetizing his business has been a “work in progress.” His goal is to be a full-time writer. He still does counseling with churches and his lessons apply to businesses and leadership teams.

He brought in other writers from followers of his own blog to help contribute. It took him six month to find great writers, but he had the idea right away. It frees him up to work on bigger and better things, and his readers help see different perspectives. Having new content also helps him with SEO. Ultimately, this model has been more about freedom than anything else.

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His relationship writer, Jackie Bledsoe, Jr, is a regular contributor to Huffington Post. Leo J. Lampinen is former military and writes on Leadership. Courtney Gordner is his Social Media writer. Julia Winston writs on Communication, Daniel Kosmala is the Focus/Time Management writer and Vincent Russell ties it all up on Sundays with his articles on Creativity.

Everyone commits to posting their articles one week early so Adam can edit it – everyone needs an editor – and they have stuck to it.

His traffic has doubled every month for the 2-3 months since implementing this format.

Go make a lot of things happen. Showing up is a big part of success.

Use social media to be social. Come back to the basics in realizing that relationships are important.

Character does matter.

Keep going. Don’t give up. Things can turn around tomorrow. Show up. Build a team, a tribe, find your niche and learn what your audience wants to hear from you and stick to it. Find your voice.

To be a leader, you must have followers.

We all are guilty of chasing shiny objects, but you can’t keep meandering and wandering. Dig your well deep.

There are riches in niches.

You need to have confidence in yourself. It all starts with you.

Adam prefers face-to-face accountability in his networking groups. He belongs to a faith-based men’s group at his church and it is free to join and attend.

Nobody succeeds alone. Maybe you can, but it will take you much longer than if you leverage the time, experience and expertise of others.

When you surround yourself with others you respect, it’s going to be a beneficial experience.

You can’t compartmentalize your life. Your marriage spills over into business into your faith.

Be great at life! Be present when your family is awake.

If you need a group like this but it doesn’t exist where you are, that’s your calling to start that group!

Learn more about Adam Smith at his blog, 

If you liked this episode, be sure to let Adam and me know on Twitter. 

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