Grow Your Social Shares On Email Newsletters For Free

Nancy gets my Weekly Whisper and asked me how I created the little one-click link that prepopulates a Tweet. Since others have asked I decided to make a short video and blog post about it. Check out the video first since it’s only 5 minutes (not counting the static intro and exit screens that show you how to reach me.)

After you watch the video check out the screen shots and other details below if you prefer images over video. 

To recap the video, the links you’ll need to reference are:

Step 1: Pick your URL to promote.

Step 2: Paste that URL in to shorten it.

Step 3: Visit ClickToTweet to compose your message and embed your shortened bitly URL and your Twitter name*.

Step 4: “Generate Link!” on ClickToTweet.

Step 5: Copy the new URL under “Here’s your URL:” on ClickToTweet and paste it into your email.

Step 6: Get more social shares and opt-ins.

It’s that easy.

*As I was researching this I remember hearing that in order to increase your exposure you should include your Twitter name, i.e. @saleswhisperer, at the end of the Tweet instead of at the beginning. When you put another person’s Twitter username at the beginning of a Tweet, those who see it are limited to just those that follow me and the person Tweeting the message.

I’ll be amending my own message by either putting my Twitter username at the end with something like “via @saleswhisperer” or still starting it with “@saleswhisperer” but putting a period in front because Twitter sees that as another character, which they should, which will make that Tweet visible to the Twitterverse.

(For more information on how Twitter works check out

Nancy, and everyone who reads this, please let me know what you think in the comments below and via Twitter (check out that Twitter link I already applied!), Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. (Those links are at the top of the post.)

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,