Haters Gonna Hate

From today’s reading…

Do not be amazed, then, brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.

We know that we have passed from death to life

because we love our brothers.

Whoever does not love remains in death.”

How alive do you feel when you’re fighting, arguing, debating, or even suing someone?

How alive do you feel when you’re involved in a road rage incident?

How alive do you feel when you’re yelling at the restaurant manager because they gave you the whole wheat bun instead of the multi-grain, free-trade, shade-grown gluten-free, half-wheat, half-rye, 3/19ths sour dough bun? (Don’t try doing the math.)

Sure, some people need their ears boxed and their smartphones taken away.

Sure, some businesses are filled with incompetent employees.

Sure, some people are entitled…ahhh…jerks who think the roadways are theirs for the taking and you’re just a peasant preventing them from arriving at their latest protest march in time.

To live means to love.

Love those people anyway.

Love yourself by loving those people.

Love those people when they lose their cool.

Love those people when they get all up in your face. (But don’t let them touch or hit your face. I am a believer in the Just War Theory.)

Love those people who hate you just for walking your talk. 

That’s on them, not you.

And unfortunately, having haters means you’ve “arrived,” or you’re at least on the right path.

Until then—and even after then—…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.