Have the Courage of Your Convictions

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

~ John Stuart Mill

John was not a soldier. He was a philosopher.This letter is not about war. It’s about entrepreneurship. I lead off with this quote because it is my all time favorite from college.

Where did I learn such a quote?

In the foothills of the Rockies at the Air Force Academy during the summer of 1988. Freshmen had to memorize and deliver on demand all of the quotes and facts in this little booklet called “Contrails” at any time and any place that any upperclassman asked us to.

After all these years, it still resonates in my mind and in my soul.

Today, we are at war literally and economically. (Buy me a whiskey and I’ll tell you what I think of the shooting wars. Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to thrive during the economic war.)

When I moved to SoCal in December of 2004, everyone from friends to family to the waitress at Denny’s was telling me to buy real estate.

“It’s California real estate! You can’t go wrong! It’s growing to the moon. This time it’s DIFFERENT! No money down. No-doc, interest-only loans. Just get in and get rich!!!”

I nodded. I smiled. I congratulated them on their wisdom and pending riches. Then I rented.

Fast forward to 2009:

  • The market dropped 60% in my little Temecula Valley.

  • Chamber of Commerce mixers could have been held in my garage.

  • Empty car dealer lots collected tumbleweeds and graffiti.

  • And I kept renting.

  • And people I warned scratched their heads and looked at me differently (and it’s not because of my cowboy boots in California.) 

Was I lucky? Nope.

Was I informed? Yep.

Was my timing perfect? Nope.

Was it close enough to save $450,000? Yep.

Did I sometimes question my decision when my neighbors were living large? Yep.

Were many of my neighbors forced to walk away from their “sure thing” houses, leaving behind green pools and brown yards? They sure were.

The Language of The Markets

Markets have languages that can be read and understood after great study and pondering and discussions amongst and between fellow ponderers. Would you like to know what my fellow ponderers see happening now? Would you like to be able to hear the language of the markets tomorrow so you can build your business bigger, better and more bullet-proof to scoop up the countless opportunities that always exist?

You and I know the world is:

  1. Not comprised of better men than ourselves, and,

  2. Not going to just roll over and hand us the future we know we deserve.

So say goodbye to easy money and stop seeking it.

Acknowledge you have something worth fighting for, which is our personal and entrepreneurial and financial freedom.

Get to work.

Harder than before, but with a clearer vision.

With focused steps.

With the support of your crazy, optimistic peers.

With the guidance of experts in sales, marketing, business.

I’ll do my bestest to be that expert peer as you read on.

Be prepared to be called nuts, irrational, unrealistic, maybe even bat-shit crazy.

Welcome to the club. ~✯~

P.S. The home we first rented from 2004 to 2010 sold at auction for $298,000. In 2007 two of the exact models on my cul-de-sac sold for $850,000.

P.P.S. In early 2011 we bought the second home we rented for nearly 50% less than what the previous owners owed on it, which proves that sometimes your best course of action is to keep your powder dry and prepare to take your shot when the timing is right.

P.P.P.S. Now I’m investing in rehabbing properties and earning 50%+ in six month’s time, so I’m pro-California real estate…with the right team who knows how to find the right properties.