Have The Faith To Sow

From today’s reading…

Those who sow in tears sing as they reap.” Psalm 126:5

How many times does James Bond or Luke Skywalker or Peter Quill (Star-Lord) throw themselves into the fray against all odds, trusting that the force would be with them, that good will prevail, for love, honor, queen, and country?

They sow in tears and sing as they reap.

So often, I hear dimwitted, short-sighted, narrow-minded, uneducated, selfish, fearful people totally devoid of faith utter, “I could never bring a child into this world!”

They say this with a smug, self-righteous, know-it-all attitude as they turn up their nose and sip their soy extra whip half-calf carmel machiotta with extra whipped cream and a chocolate drizzle.

(Okay, Sherlock, if everyone lacked a brain and a spine as you do, the human race would be over in 100 years. Would that make things okay? But I digress.)

What a stupid, sad, pitiful thing to say and to believe! You must be so ignorant of history…so lacking in faith…so arrogant to think that “this time, it’s different.

To think we can’t raise kind, loving, generous, intelligent children who can solve bigger problems tomorrow than we can think of today.

To think God wants the human race to end with us.

To think God doesn’t have a plan.

To think God is going to make tomorrow worse than today.

To think life should just be rainbows and  unicorns, and if it’s not, it’s not worth living.

Ignore those people.

Make a lot of babies.

Continue to do God’s work, even if it’s hard, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.