Have You Chosen Your Master Wisely?

From today’s reading…

…decide today whom you will serve,…”

In 2006 I took a 12 week sales training course from Steve Clark who taught me,

“Selling is a calling.“Serving is its purpose.“Questioning is the process.“A sale may be the solution.”

In business and in life it seems many have forgotten what it means to serve.

Professional sales people are professional because they understand they must serve their customers if they are to stay in business.

Sometimes serving your customers means not selling to them if you know what you offer doesn’t truly meet their needs and you know of another provider that does.

In life it seems we are so busy “finding ourselves” and “seeking fulfillment” and “becoming our true and authentic selves” that we leave everyone else—including spouses and children—to fend for themselves.

The ironic thing is that in stepping on and over so many to find and serve yourself, by the time you realize that loving and serving your family and friends is what life is all about, the damage has been done and all you’ll be left with is skin cancer from your sexy beach days and tattoos you don’t want to explain to your grandchildren.

That is, if your grandchildren want to spend any time with you.

If you’re feeling down and out, skip the mall or Best Buy or the day spa or Amazon Prime.

Instead, take your spouse on a date.Take your kids out for ice cream.Sit with the elderly and forgotten at the senior citizen home.Visit kids in the cancer ward of the hospital.Visit the forsaken veterans at the VA hospital.Wash some dogs at the pound.Serve a meal at the local food pantry.

I’ll bet a dollar to a donut you feel better before you leave and you’ll find yourself by the end of the day.

Or you’ll at least find the path of the journey you’re supposed to walk.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.