He Bore Our Infirmities

From today’s reading…

Yet it was our infirmities that he bore,

our sufferings that he endured,

while we thought of him as stricken,

as one smitten by God and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our offenses,

crushed for our sins;…”

They add up.

The porn.

The hateful comments on social media.

The road rage.

The envy.

The debauchery.

The gluttony.

If I put a shock collar on your dog and hit the shock button even on level one every time you gazed longingly at a barely-dressed body on Instagram or flipped someone off while driving or told someone on Twitter to take a flying leap, would you chill out a bit?

What if I ripped the wings off a butterfly every time you drank until you blacked out?

What if I took your child’s favorite stuffed animal and threw it in the fireplace as they screamed in horror every time you ate too much or longed for your neighbor’s spouse, or luxury car, or new swimming pool?

What if you knew that every sin you committed was another barb on the end of the whip that was used to torture Jesus as he was tied to a post?

What if you knew that every sin was another thorn in the crown that was crushed into his temples?

What if you knew that every sin was a two inch splinter jammed into his shoulders, neck, and back from the cross He had to carry on the way to His own crucifixion?

That’s what each of your sins and mine really are.

That’s what Jesus willingly endured so you and I can be shown the path to redemption.

On this Good Friday, remember that and let is sink in so you may more readily…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.