He Hates Those Who Serve Useless Idols

From today’s reading…

to your hands I commit my spirit, by you have I been redeemed. God of truth, you hate those who serve useless idols; but my trust is in Yahweh:” Psalm 31:5-6

Lots of useless idols were served this week at the Met Gala, where individual tickets start at $30,000, table sponsorships begin at $275,000, and narcissistic attire and jewelry can run into six and seven figures.

In reviewing pictures of the event, which benefits the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute and raises $12 to 15 million despite its $3.5 million price tag to produce, it was quite illustrative to see the “elites” in full maskless regalia while their servants stood erect, out of the way, against the wall with masks properly worn over their mouths and noses. In other words, the peasants were to be seen, not heard, and ordered to follow a “do a I say, not as I do” COVID protocol, you know, for everyone’s safety.

Meanwhile, many “regular folk” couldn’t take their eyes off of the event. They hop online to discuss, defend, and justify the actions of their idols. They share photos of their dazzling deities and dream of one day being a fraction as beautiful, confident, and photogenic as these gaudy, gilded fabricators of jocundity.

While it may be a nice distraction or hobby to partake in such events voyeuristically, take a moment to ask yourself if this is indeed a harmless hobby or a dangerous distraction that is leading you down a path of envy, jealousy, greed, and lust. If so, it’s good that you recognize it now and recommit your spirit to God, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.