He Hears The Prayers of the Destitute

From today’s reading…

when Yahweh builds Zion anew, he will be seen in his glory; he will turn to hear the prayer of the destitute, and will not treat their prayer with scorn.” Psalm 102:16-17

Today we see the readings from Zechariah 8 and Psalm 102 tightly connected.

God is a protective father and a jealous lover. He wants us to be filled with joy; to be on a pedestal; to live to a ripe old age; to be surrounded by happy children playing without a care in the world.

But like the petulant little children that we are, we screwed up.

We went and ruined a good thing.

But because God is a loving father and a protective bridegroom, He holds out hope for us.

He gives of Himself to show us the way back.

He spares nothing—not even His own Son—to help us get back home.

All we have to do is stop, look, and listen to His Word, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.