He Is The Image of God

From today’s reading…

He is the image of the unseen God, the first-born of all creation,…” Colossians 1:15

Jews take the 10 Commandments seriously, especially number one, “‘You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth’” (Exodus 20:4).

As such, Jews did not make statues or paintings or carvings of God, so when Paul tells us that Jesus is the image of God, it was a powerful message with deep meaning to his peers of the day.

To know that God became man and walked among us also provided deeper meaning to the teaching that God made us in His image.

Paul’s message makes it clear that Jesus is the pathway to God because He is God.

Knowing all He endured for you and me should be the motivation we need to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.