He Will Not Grow Faint

From today’s reading…

he will not grow faint, he will not be crushed until he has established fair judgement on earth, and the coasts and islands are waiting for his instruction.” Isaiah 42:4

2020 was a challenging year and now 2021 says, “Oh yeah? Hold my beer, 2020!”

You may be growing faint. You certainly know more than a few who have grown faint and you probably know one or two who have been crushed by the events of the last 10-12 months.

Jesus knows what it’s like to stumble and fall under a heavy burden. God sent John ahead of him, Mary to be at His side and at His feet, the Holy Spirit inside of Him, and Simon of Cyrene to help Jesus carry His cross when He could go no farther alone, physically.

But we know Jesus’ physical ending was only the beginning.

Fair judgement is to come, so…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.