He Will Prove It To Us

From today’s reading…

I will prove the holiness of my great name,

profaned among the nations,

in whose midst you have profaned it.” Ezekiel 36:23

Every day I watch training videos on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and every day I think I’ve found “the secret move” that will enable me to beat my instructor…yet every day I am humbled (abused?) by him after which time he shakes my hand, compliments my efforts, instructs me on how to improve, and he sends me on my way.

Every day his doors are open.

He is available for group training.

He is available for private training.

He gives me resources to improve on my own time.

He welcomes my questions and even my challenges.

Every time we spar, he rises to the occasion and proves why he is the leader. He has no hard feelings when I go hard against him.

In fact, he has told me in no uncertain terms to go hard against him. To pick up the pace. To hold nothing back because that is how we get better. We must find our limits and surpass them. We must find our weaknesses, and overcome them.

So it is with God.

We can talk all the smack we want. We can wander off into the wilderness and stumble in the darkness. We can shout at the wind. We can bury our heads in the sand. That does not impact the ability, the wisdom, the love of God.

He is up for the challenges we throw His way because He’s the boss, the leader, the father, the ultimate Jiu-Jitsu black belt, and He will welcome us back and show us His ways if we’ll only…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.