Hello Phello on The CRM Sushi Podcast

Welcome to the Personal Relationship Manager

Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

What You’ll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast…

  • From job boards to LinkedIn to HelloPhello

  • Most have thousands of contacts but only stay in touch personally with 20 in a year

  • Execution is key

  • Owns Global Network Recruiting. Built this platform for himself.

  • How can you help more people?

  • Stay in touch at least every six months

  • Only 25% of LinkedIn users log in more than once per month

  • Can’t organize contacts on LinkedIn

  • Can’t send multiple emails

  • Send emails to your LinkedIn contacts

  • Few have leveraged/applied CRMs/SaaS into their personal lives

  • Thus “PRM—Personal Relationship Manager”

  • We’re going to start paying to narrow our tribes

  • LinkedIn made it too big

  • People who invest in their networks are going to get the better jobs

  • Cultivate what you have

    • Your digital stamp/digital presence

      • Beyond faxes and paper resumes

      • Now we all look the same

      • We need personal/professional websites

      • Humanize yourself

      • Functional and Chemistry is 50/50 of your interview

      • And they help you build it properly

    • Gather all of your contacts into one platform

      • The platform will pre-organize your contacts

      • Communicate based on the level of the individual

      • Tag to segment

      • This is the PRM concept

    • Automate to reach bigger audiences

      • Lists

      • Phello Insights gives you templates to accelerate and improve your communications with your contacts

      • Batch your communications to a level you can handle

      • You can’t validate a Gmail address

      • Outlook is the worst

    • Getting advice via Phello Insights

  • No contact limit

  • Can only send 2,000 emails per day

  • Validate and clean your list regularly

Watch Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast

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