Herod Allowed Himself To Be Tricked

From today’s reading…

Then, during the celebrations for Herod’s birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced before the company and so delighted Herod that he promised on oath to give her anything she asked.” Matthew 14:6-7

How much more effective would Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and the Catholic Church be without their sex scandals?

How many families, companies, and even nations have suffered irreparable harm by men and women who allowed themselves to be distracted by their libidos?

The devil knows our weaknesses, which is why, when Jesus taught us to pray, He included, “And do not put us to the test” or “Avoid the near occasion of sin,” in Matthew 6:13.

That doesn’t mean you go to the strip club but don’t get a lap dance.

It means don’t go to the strip club. It may mean stop hanging out with the guys who always go to the strip club and pressure you into going with them.

It may even mean taking a different route to and from work, so you don’t even pass the strip club.

It also means saying no to “creating porn for children,” as a GQ “journalist” called for this week on Twitter.

It also means saying no to drag queen story hour.

It also means saying no to sex ed classes for first-graders, which just happened at an elite $55,000-per-year prep school in NYC just last month.

It also means saying no to books, movies, magazines, and websites pushing porn.

You get the point.

Understand that we are at war with the devil, and he’s a master tactician.

He will distract you and soften you up before he strikes because he doesn’t want a fair fight, but neither do you, nor I, nor even God, which is why He gave us His Son.

Get to know Him. Invite Him into your heart and your home.

Follow His instructions, and walk in His footsteps, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.