His Breath Made You Alive

From today’s reading…

The LORD God formed man out of the clay of the ground

and blew into his nostrils the breath of life,

and so man became a living being.” Gen 2:7

How many times would you have to drop a box of graham crackers from the roof of your home before they would fall into the shape of a gingerbread house?

To say life was randomly created from…lightning striking water…or a meteor hitting the earth and fusing carbon into an amoeba that then split and evolved and eventually formed you and me is even more unlikely.

(Go spend a few minutes researching how DNA is structured and tell me that happened by accident.)

God not only made you. He made you in “our image.” (Gen 1:26

One day you will cease drawing a breath and you will look God in the eye—actually, He’ll look you in the eye—and He will ask you if you did all you could to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.

P.S. Check out these books for more on DNA, evolution, and God: