His Death Should Benefit All Humanity

From today’s reading…

but we do see Jesus, who was for a short while made less than the angels, now crowned with glory and honour because he submitted to death; so that by God’s grace his experience of death should benefit all humanity.” Hebrews 2:9

Sometimes ya gotta get knocked down to know how to get back up again.

If not every ending is the end, then certainly every setback, discomfort, inconvenience, and obstruction is not the end, either.

The Roman rulers, the Jewish bigwigs, and even most of Jesus’ closest followers thought His passion and death were the end.

They soon learned otherwise.

As a good leader, a good shepherd, a good priest, a good prophet, a good brother, a good father would do, Jesus willingly took on a brutal burden that was not His to shoulder so that those He loves might have a better life.

Think about that for a moment.

Sit with it.

Understand what it means in your own life.

Now apply it by walking in His footsteps, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.