His Dwelling Shall Be Glorious

From today’s reading…

On that day,

The root of Jesse,

set up as a signal for the nations,

The Gentiles shall seek out,

for his dwelling shall be glorious.”

Isaiah received his calling around 742 B.C., which was a couple hundred years after King David, so his readers would’ve been familiar with “the root of Jesse” and its significance.

Today we are reading this during the first week of Advent as we prepare to retell the story of the three wise Gentiles who saw the signal in the sky and followed it to the humble yet glorious dwelling of the ultimate root of Jesse.

God works on His own schedule. 1,000 years between David and Jesus is just a blink of the eye. 2,000 years between Jesus and today is just the snap of His fingers.

Just keep in mind that all are invited to reside in the same glorious dwelling if we’ll only…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.