Homecoming creativity

 Jake is a sophomore in high school and it’s football season. (That’s him right after getting his braces off with my sister, Rachel.)

Football season means homecoming is right around the corner.

Homecoming being right around the corner means there are a lot of young ladies hoping to be asked to homecoming.

At Jake’s high school the young men get on-the-job training in Memorable Marketing Strategies 101 are expected to make a production out of asking their young lady friends to homecoming.

Big production producing means there are a lot of nervous and excited young men figuring out how to stand out and make a memorable impression on their young lady friends. It’s fun helping Jake think through and implement his big production.

How nervous and excited are you about figuring out how to stand out and make a memorable impression on your clients and prospects?

Dollar Shave Club got nervous and excited and figured it out and returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown. You can, too. And you should.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature