How Alex made it with no stinkin’ GPS

3,245 miles.

That’s the one-way distance from Montreal to Vancouver Island.

Along the way are several Great Lakes, several more mighty rivers, the Rocky Mountains, friendly and not-so-friendly Native Americans as well as lions, and tigers, and bears. OH MY!

What was not found along the way were any 7-11s, super Wal-Marts, paved roads, rail roads, or WiFi hot spots.

However, medical care was free (as long as your small team of hiking companions could treat what ailed ya) and so was the food (as long as you could trap, skin, and cook what you killed.)

So Alex had that going for him.

The year was 1793. The date was today, July 22. The hiker was a Scottish explorer by the name of Alexander Mackenzie who, on his third attempt to reach the Pacific Ocean, did so a full 10 years before Lewis and Clark WITHOUT any of the governmental financial backing and support they received. 

Crazy, huh? I mean, who sets a goal and achieves it without the government?

You and I do, that’s who.

But we do not do it alone.

Mackenzie had two native guides, his cousin, six Canadian voyageurs, and a dog they called “Our Dog.” (All great stories have a great dog, don’t they?)

Who is on your team supporting you, guiding you, encouraging you to reach your Pacific Ocean? 

If you say “nobody is on my team” I must ask why are you afraid and/or not really committed to reaching your goals? What are you afraid of?

If you want an ridiculously-affordable team, you can find it in

Good Selling,Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

P.S. If you’re in need of some more private and focused sales and marketing support I may be able to help you here,