How close does Steve Jobs say to get to your customers?

Steve Jobs On Knowing Your Customer

Sometimes to get close to your customers to help them, you need to not let them get close to you.

At USAFA we had water survival training and they taught us how to rescue a drowning victim. You are to approach from behind, inform them you are there to help and then to shove yourself under water to get away from them if they get a hold of you in their panicked state because they’ll kill you both.

Steve Jobs didn’t listen to the rants or idealistic wishes of his customers. He knew their true needs and met them.

He didn’t do customer surveys or focus groups. He controlled his environment. He surrounded himself with “A” players and pushed them to create “A+” offerings and he ruffled a lot of feathers along the way.

Are you willing to get so close to your ideal customers you end up putting some distance between your non-ideal customers?

Are you so committed to supporting them and delighting them that you’ll step away from the chaos and the noise to actually think and plan?

Then, when the path is clear, are you willing to focus on what you can produce with excellence and actually ship it?

If you are then say so below and tell the world here.

Sell Different.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature