How Helpful is the Infusionsoft CRM?

Asking how the Infusionsoft CRM can help you grow your sales is like asking how useful the transmission is in your car.

While the transmission is not the car, it’s a vital and necessary part of your car.

In all candor, the CRM component of Infusionsoft is somewhat lacking.

You cannot customize it much and you can only add 100 custom fields (to the many standard fields they give you.)

That being said, if you are a

  • Small business owner

  • Solopreneur

  • Speaker

  • Author

  • Coach

…who wants to grow your sales without growing your staff and do it affordably, with great support and an expanded network of certified partners to help you customize and supercharge your marketing automation engine, you must take a look at how Infusionsoft brings together all of their modules

  • CRM,

  • Drag and Drop Campaign Builder,

  • E-Commerce,

  • Affiliate Marketing,

  • Sales Automation,

  • Marketing Automation,

  • API for expansion…

…for $299 to $379/mo.

The reality is you can cobble and duct tape together your own Frankenspot system for free or almost free.

For instance you can buy / use:

  • MailChimp – free email

  • Zoho – free CRM

  • HubSpot CRM Demo – free CRM (Contact me to discuss)

  • PayPal – only pay processing fees

  • Shopify – $29/mo shopping cart

  • Commission Junction – free affiliate marketing engine

  • Zapier – free to $15/mo for API connections

The problem with “Free / Cheap” is that you either get no support or slow support when things are working properly and one vendor will ALWAYS blame the other.

“What’s that? Your purchases in Shopify aren’t triggering your MailChimp thank you emails with your upsell offers and it’s costing you $2,000 / mo in lost sales?

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, we only provide support on Shopify. Have you called MailChimp?

“Oh, they don’t have phone support? What about Zapier?

“Oh, they don’t have phone support, either?

“Well, what did you expect for free?”

That’s the real world.

If you spend one hour per day troubleshooting your Frankenspot software Monday to Friday and you value your time at $15 per hour that’s 22 workdays per month times $15 = $330/mo you could spend on software that provides real support and breakeven.

If you value your time at $100/hr you could spend $2,200/mo on an integrated platform and breakeven.

Infusionsoft offers live phone support during the week and chat support at night and on weekends.

Here’s a screenshot of my own Infusionsoft application as I write this on a Sunday March 5th.

You can clearly see that Chat is green, which means available, at 7 :35 AM on a Sunday morning.

How many times have you done a launch or simply been so busy that the only time you could work on your business was at night or on the weekends and been frustrated because the “affordable” platform you compromised on wasn’t available to help you?

You can’t “save your way to prosperity.”

You and your time are worth a lot more than $15/hr.

Invest in the best tools and you’ll see your business grow according to the tools you have at your disposal.

In 2008, Infusionsoft had one pricing model: $5,000 down and $299/mo for a 5-user license.

I was still working alone building The Sales Whisperer® but I saw the vision and dove in head first.

Now my residual income alone is 6-figures, which frees me up to work on my business and not in it, which creates even greater growth.

Many others strung chicken wire around their “free” tools…but we don’t hear from them anymore…because they are no longer in business.

They “saved” themselves into oblivion.

Invest wisely. Invest in yourself. Invest in the tools that will help you grow.

Let me know if I can help you with that.