How Majestic Your Name

From today’s reading…

…you make him a fortress, firm against your foes, to subdue the enemy and the rebel. Yahweh our Lord, how majestic your name throughout the world!” Psalm 8:2b, 9

Majestic is an interesting word that’s hard to describe in America today.

The closest we can get is maybe a Beyoncé concert or a Michelle Obama homage in Cosmopolitan.

But there was real majesty back in the day when the Psalms were written.

Kings lived extravagantly with dozens feeding and grooming him, hundreds in his harem, and thousands tending to his palaces and grounds.

They had the power of life and death over anyone and everyone.

Their whites were white before Tide®, they smelled good when few bathed at all, and they threw away more food from one meal than a family of four would eat in a week.

Even in death, you were reminded of their majestic nature with tombs nearly 500 feet tall that took 20 years to build.

And Jesus is made stronger, more powerful, and more majestic than them all—combined—for all eternity.

And He came for you.

He died for you.

He yearns for you.

Knowing this should fortify you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.