How To Fall Under God’s Curse

From today’s reading…

I repeat again what we declared before: anyone who preaches to you a gospel other than the one you were first given is to be under God’s curse.” Galatians 1:9

Luther got a wild hair and decided to change the Bible in 1534.

Now we have so many denominations and Christian church organizations that if you went to a different church every day of the week and lived to be 100 years old you couldn’t attend all of them even once.

That’s upwards of 43,000 different interpretations and instruction led by both well-meaning and manipulative individuals around the world every day springing forth from one arrogant, frustrated, vain priest who was excommunicated from the Catholic Church almost exactly 500 years ago, January 3, 1521.

And you know this has led countless Truth seekers away from the Church out of a mixture of confusion, frustration, and even sorrow.

That’s what happens when you manipulate the Word of God, which does not bode well for the manipulator.

Does that mean Luther is “under God’s curse”? I don’t know.

What I do know is that I don’t want to risk falling under God’s curse, which is why I choose to both follow and preserve the Word of God as it is, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.