How To Get a Sales Job This Week


A member of a faith-based LinkedIn group I founded (and now has 4,112 6,453 members as of this post) posted the fact that he was praying for a sales job.

Here is my response to how to get a sales job this week:

“(Joe), Make a list of the top 10 companies you’d like to work for and go see them in order. Go sit in the lobby and tell the receptionist you’d like to see the VP of Sales (find his/her name before you arrive.)

What To Say When They Ask “Do You Have An Appointment?” 

When they ask if you have an appointment tell them “no” but that you are here to work for free.

After the receptionist tilts her head she’ll eventually contact the VP of Sales.

If she says:

  • they are not hiring, or

  • the VP doesn’t meet with candidates, or

  • the VP doesn’t meet with people without appointments, or

  • that all job applicants must go through HR…

Just say,

“I’m not a candidate. I’m offering your company a $100,000 a year service that will add $1,000,000 to your top line, but since this will impact sales and this is a limited offer your VP of Sales will want to see me first. What will it take to fit me in his/her schedule even here in the lobby or in the kitchen for 5 minutes?”

One of three things will happen:

  1. You’ll meet the VP.

  2. You’ll get turned away.

  3. You’ll get an appointment for later that day/week.

What To Do If You Get Turned Away

If you get turned away contact that VP over the phone and say,

“Mr. VP, Today I came to your office and offered your company a $100,000 gift that would add $1,000,000 to your top line revenue in the next 12 months but I was turned away. I will call you tomorrow at 1:15 PM to discuss this offer with you. If that is not a good time or if you would like to speak before then you can reach me at 714-369-8004 (that’s my number…put yours in here!). My name is “B.” Have a great day.”

Then go see their top competitor in the area an be sure you call the next day at 1:15.

Call these top companies up to 7 times until one of them takes you up on your offer. Your offer is to work for them for free for 30 days. At the end of 30 days they will either hire you and pay you for your 30 days or they will let you go.

What To Do When You Get Hired

When you get picked up contact me and I’ll tell you EXACTLY how to set the proper, clear, mutually-agreed-upon expectations for your first 30 days to ensure you are successful.

If you do this today and every day this week with at least 10 companies I guarantee you’ll have someone take you up on your offer by the end of the week.

There are many benefits to this:

  1. It’s exciting and different and will make you stretch.

  2. It will keep you busy and stir your imagination.

  3. You’ll keep your skills sharp because you’re making cold calls / prospecting calls.

  4. You’ll sharpen your negotiation skills.

  5. When you get picked up you’ll get to see the company from the inside, which will help you make up your mind as to whether or not this is a good company.

  6. You will sell like a MADMAN those 30 days because your back is up against the wall, which will make you extremely focused, efficient and productive.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 2 Cor 9: 6

In sales and marketing terms, Paul is saying take massive action!

Prayer can do all things.

So can prayer and smart, hard, focused work.

God provides even for the little sparrows, but He makes them get out of the nest to get the worm.

God Bless & Good Selling,

Wes Schaeffer Infusionsoft Sales & Sales Training Signature