How to Get Dispatched From Earth

From today’s reading…

Hear this, Hananiah!

The LORD has not sent you,

and you have raised false confidence in this people.

For this, says the LORD, I will dispatch you from the face of the earth;” Jeremiah 28:15-16

When you cross God, it’s not “Liar, liar pants on fire.”

It’s actually “Liar, liar, your entire body and soul will remain on fire for all eternity with no reprieve, ever, as in, longer than even a so-called temporary government program. Yep. THAT long!”

Yet knowing this, false prophets pop up daily. Why? Because false prophets love earthly profits and it strokes their egos.

How do you know if your prophet might be a few chapters short of the fullness of faith? If you are never challenged by their teachings. If you are never made uncomfortable by their sermons. If you feel just chipper and peachy keen every Sunday after they reassure you that “your time has come…your best days are right around the corner…it’s all rose petals and lollipops for you (with your regular donation to his private jet fund!) so enjoy your salvation because I have spoken!”

There is Truth and you have been created to find it, learn it, and share it to both help yourself as many others…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.