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  • How To Help The Buyer Own The Deal To Make The Sale, With Steve Thompson

How To Help The Buyer Own The Deal To Make The Sale, With Steve Thompson

Remind Your Customers How Good You Are 

Click here to download the episode. 

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • What is your “past value delivered?”

  • Your Champion needs to be able to answer to the bean counters how you are delivering an ROI

  • You have to remind your customers how good you are

  • Determine what success looks like with your prospect before they buy so you both know what the expectations are

  • Harvard Professor Theodore Levitt, “People don’t buy a quarter-inch drill. They buy a quarter-inch hole.”

  • Salespeople push to a closed deal

  • The buyer is terrified once they close

  • Our customers are not professional buyers

  • They buy outcomes

  • Change is the catalyst for new opportunities

  • Stick around and deliver value after the sale

  • You must know why they bought

  • There is so much turnover with both your sales team and at your companies

  • Somebody has to stick around and own customer success

  • The good and bad comes from the sales side

  • There are more influencers on the buyer’s side (9.3 on average)

  • The buyer wants to know “Who understands me and what I’m trying to accomplish?”

  • The fundamentals have not changed but they are not being followed

  • Buyers have too much information. It’s noisy.

  • Buyers have been abused by past, shady, pushy salespeople

  • How did you get that meeting? Why are you in front of the prospect?

  • Don’t show up and throw up!

  • Have an agenda for the sales meeting.

  • “Lead them to your solution not with your solution.”

  • Play hard to get. There’s value in scarcity.

  • Does technology make you more effective?

  • You send novels about you and confusing spec sheets

  • You must help your champions sell internally

  • Focus on 7 simple slides covering the customer journey

  • Uncertainty is at a high

  • How do you align the buyers?

  • How do you find out what you don’t know?

  • You need to be able to ask the right questions

  • You don’t have to know it all

  • Narrow down the choices and ask which one is best

  • Once they choose ask “How can this be improved?”

  • This helps the buyer own the deal they can sell internally

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast