How To Move From Timid To Bold

From today’s reading…

For the deliberations of mortals are timid,

and unsure are our plans.

For the corruptible body burdens the soul

and the earthen shelter weighs down the mind that has many concerns.”

Oh, you want to colonize Mars? Cure cancer? Organize your junk drawer?

God created the universe in between hitting the first and second snooze…and He didn’t even use His iPhone to do it…although He invented that too.

Having big, audacious, grandiose plans are wonderful and all, but let’s get cereal for a moment.

A year ago you lost sleep—for a week—over something you can’t even remember today.

A month ago you were angry at a driver who cut you off on the way to work and you still wish you had flipped him off…five more times.

Last week you spent more time worrying about what to wear to a Labor Day swim party than you’ve spent planning your retirement…all year.

Granted, your retirement is a maybe, but your death is certain, and your soul is eternal.

So stop sweating the little things and start planning for eternity, which means you must…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.