How to Never Hunger or Thirst

From today’s reading…

So they said to Jesus,

‘Sir, give us this bread always.’

Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life;

whoever comes to me will never hunger,

and whoever believes in me will never thirst.’” John 6:34-35

You know someone right now who is going through a lot but they are at peace.

Maybe they lost their job, a parent, a spouse, or a child, but they seem full of life and love. They are not hungry or thirsty, nor are they desperate, anxious, or worried.

You see that and you think “How can that be? I’d be a total wreck if I were in their shoes. What’s their secret?”

Their secret has been told to us for 2,000 years. They took their suffering to Jesus who knows all too well what it is to suffer. His cousin John was beheaded for Him. Judas betrayed Him. Peter denied Him three times. Nearly everyone He knew fled as He was arrested, ridiculed, beaten, and killed.

Jesus knew His calling and since His “why” was big enough—creating the path for our salvation—He figured out “how” to live up to His calling.

Right now your suffering may not make sense. You may not know your specific earthly calling insofar as what career path you should follow or how you should spend your time today, but rest assured that your true calling is to believe in Jesus and come to Him.

He has mapped it out for us and given us clear directions. Now all we have to do is…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.