How To Proffer Proper Petitions

From today’s reading…

The LORD is a God of justice,

who knows no favorites…

The one who serves God willingly is heard;

his petition reaches the heavens.”

When most people set a goal like losing weight or running a marathon, they get a training/accountability partner and/or join a gym or a running club.

This serves multiple purposes.

  • You are encouraged by others during the lulls, setbacks, and the dark days that are inevitable when taking on any big challenged.

  • Your learning is accelerated via the collective knowledge, wisdom, and experience of the tribe.

  • As you grow in knowledge, wisdom, and experience you become a mentor/example/role model for those who come after you, which helps you to continue on an even tougher journey with new, bigger goals.

When you are fully-committed to a goal like this your thoughts, words, and deeds align with achieving that goal.

You’re more likely to eat better, cut back on partying, and get more sleep.

As your family and friends see your commitment and how you are leading by example, they notice your petitions change. Your Amazon Wish List is filled with things like books on running and stretching, running shorts, and fitness tracking journals and apps.

Then, as if by magic, your petitions are answered on your birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc.

This is what Sirach means in chapter 35 today. It’s not magic. When you willingly love and serve God, your requests of Him change and become aligned with His will, which means they are not only heard, but granted.

This is how you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.