How To Save Your Lungs, Heart, and Soul

From today’s reading…

I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and an arrogant man,

but I have been mercifully treated

because I acted out of ignorance in my unbelief.

Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant,

along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

According to Dr. Norman Edelman, a senior scientific advisor for the American Lung Association and a specialist in pulmonary medicine, lungs can heal to a certain extent as soon as you stop smoking.

Of course irreparable damage can be done if one was a heavy smoker, but giving up smoking is always beneficial.

The ironic thing about quitting smoking is that most smokers report coughing more in the weeks immediately after they quit.

It’s because the lung’s cilia—fine hairs in the lung—become active again and can perform their intended function, which is the movement of excess mucus secretions out of the lungs into the airways and toward the throat, where they can be coughed up, according to Edelman.

“Great, Wes. Are you now working for the American Lung Association? Besides, I’m not a smoker. So what’s your point?”

The point is, no matter how many bad things you’ve done in your life, it’s always beneficial to stop doing those bad things and start doing good things.

The additional point is unlike a heavy smoker like my grandfather, who did irreparable damage to his lungs and died from emphysema, God can pull your bacon out of the fire if you turn back to Him.

Paul killed early Christians. He spoke against God. But God’s grace was enough to turn even Paul’s hardened heart to Him.

Seek and accept God’s grace because it’s the only way to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.