How To Sell Healthcare Reform

[Originally posted 8/17/09]

As I update this on 10/30/16, seven years have now passed since Obamacare was kicked around and 6.5 years since it was passed via “Reconciliation” by Pelosi and Reid in March 2010. How did they do in selling it their own party, let alone the American populace after all these years? 

Selling is the transference of feelings from one person to another and that feeling is one of confidence.

Have either side of the debate really instilled confidence in the American public?

And why is there such a rush to pass such a large bill with limited debate? That does not bode well for confidence-building, either.

When you enter the sales and persuasion arena you must do so with the mindset that selling is a calling. Are both sides of the debate entering it as though it were a calling for them? Some most definitely. But I’d argue that the most vehement debaters have something to gain monetarily so be sure and study closely what each side has to gain if their side wins.

The purpose of selling is to serve. Are both sides wanting to serve the public? Again, some are but most are looking to profit somehow.

Questioning is the process. Who is really listening to both sides of this debate? I don’t think anyone is and that is why it is hitting such a road block.

Finally, for true sales professionals, they recognize that a sale may be the solution.

I say “may” because sometimes what we have for sale is not the best option for our prospect and the professional sales person has no qualms about walking away and leaving as friends and even referring the prospect to a worthy competitor that can help provide the type of assistance they need.

Few sales people adhere to these principles. That is why the adjective most often used when describing sales people is “pushy.” But when you run across someone that follows these principles you remember them for life.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling