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  • How To Sell The Business Benefits Of Instagram To Your Gran

How To Sell The Business Benefits Of Instagram To Your Gran

 Credit: Unsplash

It was Einstein who said that to truly understand a concept you should be able to explain it in full to a child.

Now, not to compare your grandma to a child, but when it comes to digital marketing, the older generation can be a little naive. That’s why quickly explaining the benefits of Instagram to your gran shows just how straightforward and profitable the platform is.

In this quick 4 point blog, I share with you the basic business benefits of Instagram that ANYONE can get excited about.

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It’s a Visual Medium

How do you engage the skimming generation? By taking away words and replacing them with images!

Instagram is by far the most visual social media platform, speaking directly to our short attention spans that love to skim. This means businesses that are on Instagram can show off their beautiful product photos, attention-grabbing GIFs, and infographics that condense information into a visual and engaging format.

By focusing on ways to connect with audiences via images, businesses are able to become more creative with their content in ways that customers really enjoy. While people can on average only remember 20% of what they read and 10% of what we hear, we remember 80% of what we see.

Woman surrounded by photos to show how to use Instagram for business.

 Credit: Unsplash

Content Is Fresh And Updated Daily

Because of the nature of Instagram, the content is constantly changing and being updated. This means that businesses are given more opportunities to connect with their audiences.

Modern audiences are not only used to absorbing large amounts of information, but they actually expect it.

Businesses are able to update their audiences regularly, helping to build trust and relationships. This means business can reuse and repurpose their content, while restaurants and retailers can reveal new products in a natural way that doesn’t bombard their customers with spammy sales messages.

How to use your iPhone to better use Instagram and create inbound marketing.

 Credit: Unsplash

It Has High Engagement Potential

Instagram is one of the most engaging social media platforms, with their 300+ million active daily users posting 216,000 images every minute, users are much more likely to be engaged by an Instagram post than other social platforms.

Because of these levels of high engagement, Instagram traffic is very convertible and once you have started to build these relationships, customers are more likely to come back for repeat purchases.

Thanks to new ecommerce technology, some shoppers are now even able to make purchases via Instagram — something that both Facebook and Pinterest have also been exploring over recent years. It’s high time that brands made the most of Instagram’s engaged users and sold to them directly (without ruining the values of social media, of course).

Use your iPhone to create more inbound sales via Instagram

Credit: Unsplash

It’s Free

Just like Google and Facebook ads, Instagram have started selling paid advertising for businesses. These are still very affordable, with plenty of options to suit all budgets. However, Instagram can also be used as a free marketing tool.

By creating an attractive, highly engaging Instagram platform you can grow your audience and build your brand awareness organically, without spending a penny. Just by regularly updating and tailoring your content to your audience, a well used Instagram account can potentially reach millions.

Free band shows how to leverage the free social media platform, Instagram, to create inbound sales.

 Credit: Unsplash

Fresh, free and very very simple, Instagram has the potential to engage your audience like no other platform. Just snap a picture and start ‘gramming. Perfect for budding startups on tight budgets and ecommerce entrepreneurs looking to show off their products, surely even your gran can see the endless business benefits of Instagram.

This is a guest post by Victoria Greene: Writer & Ecommerce Entrepreneur

I love to write about the digital world. While I’m not out with my dog, or jet-setting around the world, I’m at home writing up my tips to help other small business owners achieve their best.