Ian Altman Shows You Same Side Selling

What to say when the buyer just asks for a quote  

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • Trust is key

  • “What does success look like?”

  • It’s not about persuasion, it’s about getting to the truth

  • It’s okay to push back on quote-seekers

  • Focus on the results

  • Businesses only stall for two reasons

  • To get your foot in the door you must understand how people make decisions

    • What problem does this solve? Why do I need it?

    • What’s the likely result or outcome if I do this?

    • What are the alternatives?

  • Answer those to shorten the sales cycle

  • Start with the problems you solve and disarm/neutralize the idea that you’re just there to sell them something

  • Be precise

  • The phone and/or email still works with the right message

  • Axis Displacement Disorder

  • How to befriend “gatekeepers”

    • They exist to help people

    • Don’t trick them

  • How to build trust

  • B.A.N.T. doesn’t apply today

    • Budget

    • Authority

    • Need

    • Timeframe

  • They are now building coalitions and consensus

  • Disarm the notion that you’re just there to sell something

  • Be humble

  • How to 2x your sales while working 40% less

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast