If it bleeds, don’t let it lead your day

The 2016 Rio Olympics are almost over and I haven’t heard of any athletes droppind dead from the Zika virus.

Sure, the diving pool turned green but else has really happened?

Every day the media attempts to strike fear in our hearts. But have you ever thought who the news media really is?

Are scores of NLP and hypnosis experts locking themselves away in a room day in and day out crafting hit pieces on everyone they don’t like, fact-checking all of their sources, and prolifically penning Pulitzer prose?

No way.

Usually there is some intern or a 24-year old journalism major being paid just over minimum wage tasked with crafting compelling copy that can be loaded into the teleprompter just seconds before the Geico commercial ends and the talking head begins another segment.

So chill out on the news or it’ll be the death of you and your business.

Sure, you need to be educated and informed…but not 22 hours a day and not from one source.

Google says shoppers will visit 6-8 sites before making a buying decision. You and I need to do the same thing with our news, which includes reading what “the other side” is saying.

And that’s tough. 

We all have comfort zones. 

We all think we’re right and we know what’s right.

But the great leaders, inventors, explorers, and doers of history had vision and drive and determination and they had no problem making decisions, they also surrounded themselves with greatness and experts.

That’s the mark of a true professional. 

They acknowledge the bad but focus on the good. They focus on decisions and progress and continuous improvement.

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Good Selling,