Ignore The Evildoers Who Ignore God

From today’s reading…

You have said, ‘It is vain to serve God,

and what do we profit by keeping his command,…

Rather must we call the proud blessed

for indeed evildoers prosper,

and even tempt God with impunity.’”

We are fickle, fatalistic, vain creatures, aren’t we? We run around saying things like:

  • No good deed goes unpunished.

  • Only the good die young.

  • It’s Murphy’s Law…and Murphy was an optimist.

At the same time we feel confident enough to:

  • Debate macroeconomics, geopolitical negotiations, and cancer cures with complete strangers on Facebook.

  • Stop taking our antibiotics on day two of seven because we feel better…and of course, we know better.

  • Coach our favorite NFL team to back-to-back Super Bowl victories despite placing no better than fourth in our Fantasy Football League…ever.

Today’s reading from Malachi is known as “the messenger of the covenant.” 

The proud evildoers are not blessed. Their names are not recorded by God, who is jealous, compassionate, and just.

Oven blazes, fire, and stubble await those not in the book. Neither branch nor root of the wicked shall remain.

So tack comfort in Malachi’s message today, where he reminds us of the benefit of serving God and keeping His command as we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.