InfusionCon: Where Doers Go To Know And Grow


Do more. At the Biltmore. Not the shore. Come to the desert.

Meet new friends. See email sends. The party never ends. Become an expert.

Who will you meet At this desert retreat? The list is replete With people who are neat.

First, Gary Vaynerchuk Who sure can make a buck. I’ve met the dude. Let’s Crush It up.

The Millionaire Maker Loral’s no faker. The New York Times Says her book is a taker.

(I met her, too. Her words are true. She shows what to do. To make dreams come true.)

Tough guy Scott Palangi Would surely break my knee If he saw me But his name did not see.

(Kickboxing is his thing His cash register sings. Ideas he brings To reach your brass ring.)

Jennifer and Brian Bourn Your website they’ll adorn. Awaken your brand. Say goodbye to the norm.

Change your business landscape, With Pam Slim’s book “Escape.” Journalists now Your phone calls will all take.

Dude. How rude. I forgot the food! Desserts are accrued, So’s steak and seafood. The beer and wine flow No need for corkscrews. Over drinks we’ll collude, Friendships get renewed, Plan to miss your curfew, But the coffee is brewed. Just thinking about it Puts me in a good mood.

Now on to the learning, For which you are yearning. The ideas we cover Will increase your earnings.

The Ultimate Marketer Will make you smarter. And smarts are the answer. Not working harder.

Infusionsoft tagging, Is not bragging. It’s why your emails Are no longer nagging.

Ecommerce is here. Make money online. Let’s all shout a cheer. The update’s divine.

The Spring release has sprung. With benefits far-flung. Rick’s ideas are young. Your competitors are done!

The Perfect Customer Lifecycle. (PCL to you and me.) No longer will you wrestle With how sales come to be.

Your best defense, Against business suspense, And wasteful expense, Is the follow-up sequence.

Last but not least, Aside from the feast, There’s another reason I’m heading east.

Between me and you, Tuesday, Day 2, Is my birthday, now you Know just what to do.

So please join me, And 1,000 wise friends, Who, backwards they bend, And open arms they extend, To stop any downtrend, And pipeline leaks mend. So you can ascend, And sales problems transcend, No need to pretend. With entrepreneurs you’ll blend.

THAT’S how to spend Your birthday. Amen.

This post is my entry into the ‘Bloggers in Motion’ contest sponsored by Infusionsoft for Infusionscon 2012.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling,