Infusionsoft 2-Day Accelerator

Put Your Infusionsoft Application Into Overdrive In Just Two Days!

“I have too much to do and too much to learn. Just make it shake, rattle and hum!”

Do you have Infusionsoft but need to use more than 10-20% of it?

  • You have ideas that are either half-way implemented or are merely ideas that need to get launched.

  • Come to SoCal for two days of implementing and Infusionsoft and business extreme makeovers at The Sales Whisperer® headquarters (an hour from San Diego, Orange County or Ontario airports)

  • As many as three people from your team can attend for one price.

  • This is a focused two-day session. No more than 3 businesses will attend any session.

  • You will have a dedicated consultant from The Sales Whisperer® team all to yourself who will help coordinate, strategize, train and implement with you for the entire two days. ($4,000 value)

  • You will have access to four other Infusionsoft consultants from The Sales Whisperer® to assist with tactics, strategy, training and execution for the entire two days. ($16,000 value)

  • 3 hours of Infusionsoft Concierge private support is included when you return home. ($750 value)

  • Includes one year in The Marketing Automation Network ($373 value)

  • Receive a copy of “The Definitive Guide to Infusionsoft” ($49.99 value)

Value = $21,172.99

FAQs About The Infusionsoft Accelerator

Is this training or do I get my own guru?


No, this is not “training” or a “conference,” but you will learn.

Yes, you will have your own guru sitting by your side, helping you grow your business and streamline the processes by which you automate your sales and marketing.

Will I be there alone or will other entrepreneurs be doing implementations at the same time?

It all depends on scheduling.

We try to get two but no more than three businesses in at the same time so we can exchange ideas and help each other since we’re all facing the same challenges. But The Sales Whisperer® team is comprised of

  • five (5) Infusionsoft Certified Consultants,

  • one CustomerHub Certified Consultant,

  • one GroSocial Certified Consultant,

  • four Kickstart trainers,

  • a copywriter,

  • a couple of web designers,

  • SEO experts,

  • social media wizards and

  • PPC gurus…

So whether we have several businesses or just you and your team, you’ll get the help and ideas you need to grow.

Are we just fine-tuning my application and website and stuff or will you help me strategize and plan?

“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.”

Sun Tzu wrote that a looooong time ago. He was right then and he is right now. We will help you do both.

Am I just barking orders telling you what I want done?

Ah…how can I put this nicely…Hell no!

Once we understand where you are, where you want to be and the best way to get there, we will divvy up the tasks based on the strengths and weaknesses of you and your team and we’ll roll up our sleeves and get to work together.

This is not “Extreme Makeover: Infusionsoft Edition.” We won’t send you to Disneyland while we work. We’re in this together.

Do I attend this alone as the owner or should I just send my marketing person?

Maybe…and No. If you are the only person in your business then come alone. We encourage you to bring a spouse, partner, marketing person, etc. to help you get the most out of these two days. However, I would not recommend any more than three from your business attend. It just becomes an off-site meeting when that happens.

How much can we realistically get done in two days?

A lot if you are clear on what you want to achieve and if you are good at following the recommendations of our team.

We know what we’re doing. Wes is a small business owner, too, and he has grown his business by helping others do the same.

We will start early, bring lunch in and even bring dinner in if you want to keep working. There will always be loose ends to tie up and advanced things you want to get to and we’ll help you tie those up as much as possible and it practical but you’ll be amazed at how much can get done during a focused two days with a dedicated consultant and a team behind you helping you implement the things your business needs to grow.

Doesn’t Infusionsoft do something similar?

They do and Wes and others on his team were invited to participate in every one they did going back to the original 2-day Implementation Accelerator back in December 2011. However, they do them sporadically, in a large group of 20-25 businesses at a set time and it’s $10,000 for three days.

Also, Infusionsoft acts primarily as the broker and host of their Accelerators. They then invite Infusionsoft Consultants like us to come in and actually be the coach sitting by your side, making the magic happen.

The Infusionsoft Accelerators are also a bit more chaotic because with up to 25 businesses, each with up to three people per business, plus support staff, there can be 70-100 people jammed into a hotel ballroom or the Infusionsoft training room with extension chords running everywhere and tables and chairs filling the room.

You’ll find our sessions in Southern California to be more personable and productive so go ahead and…